26 June 2008

Do Not Pass 'Go' - Do Not Collect $200

So, I live in a city that is comprised, like many cities, of various areas - let's call them 'communities within the city'.... Allow me to share with you some excitement that's going on here today.

My 'community' has been in lockdown since approximately 4pm this afternoon. There have been shootings and there are helicopters flying overhead and police cars everywhere. I just looked out my back window and there are police men with the dogs out.... We have been advised to stay locked in our houses. Our 'community' is up on a hill and the police have it barricaded so no one can enter or exit our area.

If this isn't bad enough, want to know what could be worse? Vaughn is on the other side. He can't make it home. Nothing like this has happened in our area before - it sucks even more knowing that half your family isn't with you when it does.

This is hitting way to close to home for us. I'm scared.

Update: Lockdown lifted 5 1/2 hours later.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear! I hope they catch the bad guys and that you and all your family are safe!

Darlene said...

sue: Thanks - Vaughn was able to come home around 10pm...The police aren't releasing much, but from what we understand, nobody has been caught yet.

.:Cris:. said...

I bet they heard about your pointy sticks ;)

I think that's about the craziest thing I've ever heard of and I'm glad you are safe. It must have been really creepy. Hopefully it wont happen again.

Be safe.

Darlene said...

cris: ahahaha I will take everyone down with my pointy sticks!!!

Desperate Housewife said...

I just read about a couple of hours ago! That must have been terrifying.

egan said...

Damn, I'm about 10 ten years tired of this school shooting crap. I hope your child is safe.

Ms K said...

omg. Darlene, that was sooooo scary. I love how the police STILL aren't saying anything. I guess the cops and a dog were right by our fence searching in the woods. It was pretty stressful to say the least. Thank goodness no one else was hurt.

The Chocolate Nerd said...

The chocolate nerd is having a Liz Lovely cookie giveaway. Heads up!

Desperate Housewife said...

Hey Dar... I noticed the whale flip flops were sold on the regular LL Bean website, but they are available on the Ellsworth LL Bean site. And they're on sale! Look in the "sale" part, click on "new to sale," scroll down to women's, then view more, and the sandals are there (motif flip flops)! I just ordered the lobster flip flops!

Desperate Housewife said...

Sold OUT, I meant to say.

Darlene said...

dh: Yeah, I checked LL Bean & couldn't find them - I'll check out the other site. Thanks!