03 July 2008

When Adam & I got home a few days ago, I opened the mailbox and there was a card from the post office saying that there was a parcel waiting for me.

Me: Parcel? What parcel? Who's sending me a parcel?

Adam: Maybe you ordered something and it's here, or somebody sent you a present.

Me: I didn't order anything! And who would be sending me a present?

Adam: Geez, Mom, I don't know. Think. Did you order anything lately?

Me: I ordered 'Backstreet Boys' tickets...

Adam: Well, I don't think that would come as a parcel, Mom.

Me: (squealing) Maybe they sent me a Backstreet Boy!!!

He rolled his eyes and walked away. Story of my life.

Have a good evening, everyone. Peace.


The Chocolate Nerd said...


Kare said...

Which one were you hoping for?

Darlene said...

Nick... I'm not gonna lie....

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the eye rolling. Been there. So, what was (or who) in the package?!

Darlene said...

sue: It actually was the tickets - they just checked off the wrong box when they left the notice in the mail.

Desperate Housewife said...

Nick used to go out with Paris Hilton. So he'd need to be thoroughly decontaminated before you touched him.

Darlene said...

dh: I was never a big fan of Nick's (or the Backstreet Boys, for that matter) until one night about 10 years ago I had a dream that I was at their concert & I was chewing gum & Nick looked at me from the stage & asked me if he could have a piece of gum & I didn't have any more, so he walked off the stage and took the gum out of my mouth.....with his tongue. I've had a crush on him ever since. AHAHAHAH

p.s. I'm with you about the Paris Hilton thing - he may need to go to the Doctor to get a cootie shot.

Kare said...

hahaha! omg. Darlene, you are one in a million. I love you.