07 July 2008

My intent on Saturday morning was to sit and read a few chapters of this book with my morning coffee. Needless to say, the rest of my day was a write off - aside from the coffee refills and the occasional pee breaks, I didn't get up until I was finished.

Anyone that's an animal lover (which I wasn't, until Porkchop entered my life), will enjoy John Grogan's story of how, with a pet, we may not always get what we're expecting, but we realize that the unexpected challenges are better and often more rewarding than we had ever anticipated.

There were many times while reading this, I actually burst out laughing, but, also, times when I cried so much, I had to take a break because the tears were blinding me (Me? Cry? Now there's something you don't see every day).

If you've already read this, you know where I'm coming from. If you haven't, go buy it. Oh, and one more thing, if you have a pet, give him or her a hug today, and don't ever forget to tell them how great they are.

Have a great day, everyone. Peace.


Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm a sucker for pets too. I'll have to check out that book however, I'm a big crier so I'll have to have my box of tissues with my while I read.

Darlene said...

sue: You'll LOVE this book. I think it could very easily be one of my favorites.

Kare said...

Ya, even this coldhearted chick cried her eyes out. Fantastic book.

Darlene said...

kare: I should have known better - before I even started reading the book, I looked at the pictures. The last picture was one taken just a few weeks before he died. I cried right there in the store.

Kare said...

wow. and you never cry. ; )

Darlene said...

Oh my God - You DID NOT just go there. I'm so mad at you right now.


Kare said...

YOU'RE mad at me???? You just called me and . I . quote "the queen of procrastination".
Good day.

Lucy said...

That is the BEST book ever!!!! You definately come away with a different feeling for your pets...especially when they rip the house apart!!!

Desperate Housewife said...

WTF? I commented on this post yesterday! *@^$#!
Well, what I had said was something like, "Bah! I hate this kind of book. They always have a heartwrenching description of the adorable animal's death."

Darlene said...

dh: I guess you have a point there, like I said to kare - I should have known better than to read it. I knew what I was getting into. Have you read this, though? Aside from the death, it really is a great book.

Desperate Housewife said...

No, I haven't read it, and I will not be doing so after looking at those big puppy eyes on the book's cover.

Sonya said...

It was a great book. I was enjoying it so much that it failed to occur to me that there was only one possible ending. Lots of tears flowed, then I went to love on my own lab (blk lab named Starsky)

Darlene said...

sonya: I know! I was kinda hoping that it wouldn't end that way. I haven't stopped hugging my dog since.