19 June 2008

Stress, Music, Prizes and the Open Sea....

Little Miss Porkchop didn't have a great day. It was her annual vet visit - as well, she was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. You see, my little girl is scared of everything. Her biggest fears are buzzing insects, planes, wind whistling through the house and thunder storms. We've always known it's been bad, but for the past few weeks we've been having terrible storms & between Vaughn and I, we've pretty much been on a constant vigil with her. She shakes and hyperventilates so badly, we've come to the fear that eventually she'll end up having a heart attack. So, my girl will now be on medication for the rest of her life. My heart breaks for her - we try to make her feel so safe & secure, but I hope that now she won't be so tormented by everything.

We are moving Amy to Edmonton in the morning, which is only 4 hours away. Looking forward to getting some shopping done! As well, Vaughn sold his boat & ordered a new one that we're picking up on Saturday. He's like a 10 year old before Christmas.

Tomorrow morning at 10am, tickets go on sale for the Backstreet Boys on 31 August. Amy & I are so excited! We'll be driving down the highway dialing Ticketmaster like two crazy people. I think I'll pee in my pants if we get good seats.

Stay tuned for a contest next week!

Have a great evening, everyone. Peace.


Desperate Housewife said...

The BSB are coming here too, the night before The Eagles play.

ONLY four hours away??

Desperate Housewife said...

And poor Porkchop!

Darlene said...

Four hours far beats the 16 hours when she moved to BC.

I'm assuming you aren't going to see BSB - are you going to see the Eagles?

Netter said...

Poor Porkchop....she'll be doped up, but much happier. Do those pills work on people? Now that I'm thinking of it, I could use some. lol, kidding.

4 hours...nice! You know I knew a guy that worked in Edmonton for about a year...for the Canadian Govt. He was one dirty minded man. A real pervert...and funny, OMG, so funny. He's back in NS now. Gosh, I should IM him...see what he's up to these days.

Backstreet Boys?! Are they still touring? I didn't know that. I know the New Kids on the Block were back on the road. Raine, the worlds best stalker has already seen them twice and bought tickets for their Omaha show. I know she needs help, but I'm not sure who to contact...lol.

Darlene said...

nett: Amy used to love New Kids on the Block as well. I told her that the only way I'd even consider going to that concert was if Donnie Wahlberg brought along his little brother, Mark. ahahah

Kare said...

Awwwww. Poor Porkie. Have you noticed a difference? awww.
You are NOT going to the backstreet boys.... oh, Darlene. Oh well. I still love you. Short comings and all. (Tom Petty will in Calgary on August 11th!)
Did you bawl reading the last lecture?
I missed you. We need to get together.

Darlene said...

kare: Because I'd actually watched the complete lecture before, I didn't cry...until the last few chapters. Kare, this man is AMAZING. I am in awe of him and his strength.