13 June 2008


1) What's more painful than getting a tattoo? Getting a tattoo touch-up. Remember last September when I got Vaughn's initials tattooed on my wrist? Well, it was touched-up yesterday, and it hurt so bad. I even called my tattoo guy a bastard. I was told at that point that touch-ups are always more painful. Way to not send me THAT memo until it was too late.

2) Why haven't I won the lottery yet?

3) A few books I've read over the past month or so:

book3 book2 book1

And the two I'm in the process of reading now:

Photobucket Photobucket

4) I'm planning on going to that 'World Wide Knit in Public Day' with Kare tomorrow if she's still going... No, I don't knit, but I support knitters everywhere.... as well, I love reaping the benefits of having a best friend that's a knitter. I'll take pictures!

5) God Bless Bret Hart. Amen.

Have a great day, everyone. Peace.


Anonymous said...

Owie! I'm pain adverse. I'll just cross tatoo off my life's list. ;o)

I'll have to check out those books. I've read Plain Truth already but the others are new and I'm always looking for a good read. How did you like them?

Have fun at the knit out!

Netter said...

You and your Hitman! Every time you mention him, it brings back memories of my 3 year old cousin being in love with Mr Hart. I need to ask her the next time I see her if she still likes him.

Besides the Bret Hart book, which do you suggest I read.

Have fun knitting or watching public knitting. I'll be sitting in my backyard, looking at the bay and putting on extra layers of sunblock. Hmm, now that I think about it, maybe I should have Katie come over and make me a nice slushy, fruity drink loaded with booze.

Darlene said...

Sue: 'The Glass Castle' is a must-read. 'Knocked Up' was fluff, but still quite humorous - both are non-fiction. I'll let you know on the other 2 when I get them finished. Did you read 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime'? Well, if so, 'A Spot of Bother' is by the same author. I know Kare hated both of those books, but I really enjoyed the 1st one, so I guess we'll see how the 2nd one goes.

Darlene said...

nett: Ooh, I love fruity booze drinks! I'm a tad jealous!

If you want me to suggest any of these books, I strongly recommend 'The Glass Castle' - I loved it. Almost as much as I love Bret Hart. AHAHAHA

Desperate Housewife said...

Oooh, I want to read the Bret Hart one! I read The Glass Castle last year for my bookclub. Depressing, but good.

Ms K said...

DON'T READ SPOT OF BOTHER! Don't do it! It's horrible.

Um, my friend dated Bret Hart. Did I ever tell you that? I think she's a lesbian now. No proof, just a hunch. I hope she doesn't read your blog.

Ms K said...

(she looks at me funny and she told me that I was beautiful once and then she got all embarrassed. It was a little uncomfortable. Plus, she doesn't date guys.
Again I hope she doesn't read your blog.)

Ms K said...

cause I think she could totally kick my ass.

Darlene said...

kare: I'm pretty sure you've told me that story about a jillion times. Maybe no other man would do it after Bret Hart, so she opted for women? Maybe?

And p.s. if you think she's a lesbian, what's her name? Because chances are, Amy knows her. ahahah

Netter said...

Oh, how I have missed your banter with Kare. I'm so glad you two are posting again.

I have that book around here somewhere, its on my list of must reads for the year. I'll try to move it up a bit.

Ah, yes...there is nothing better than a fruity booze drink on a summer afternoon. I'm going home in two weeks, that means I have to start building my tolerance for booze. Every time I go home, they get me drunk and then I get in trouble. It seems I like to spill long lost secrets from, oh, like 20 years ago. My friends kick really hard, under the table. I keep telling them that one of these years I'll be so old that I won't remember a thing and then they'll be sorry. I'm not sure why that's so funny.


Just telling it like it is said...

I too have a tatoo on my left wrist..my sister and I got it together one crazy day last summer...It is nice to see and know that we not only come from a crazy family but we are linked together in time by our tatoos..