09 June 2008

No, people, I am not dead

So, here I am - blogging for the 1st time in what seems like a million years. I guess the only reason I have for not keeping in touch is that when Amy left in September, I think I lost my mojo. Sure, she was 21 and God knows, I can completely understand that she needed to find her own way, but the selfish side of me just wasn't ready. So, I'm back - I don't know if anyone will ever read this, but I'll fill you in, somewhat, on the goings on of the past 7 months in the life of MadameZ:

- Amy came back for her 1st visit in December to see her brother perform in
"Cats". He was AMAZING. The play was phenomenal. I wasn't sure what to expect when I found out that he had a solo - A few weeks before his show, this was the conversation that my husband & I had:

Me: Adam has a solo in this play.
Vaughn: Are you serious? But, Adam can't sing.
Me: I know
Vaughn: Well, do you think the Drama teacher knows?
Me: Well, honey, they've been rehearsing 15 hours a week for the past 3 months - I think she must have a clue.
Vaughn: This could get ugly.

When Adam started singing, our mouths dropped. He was amazing. I cried and couldn't believe that was my little boy up there. He made me so proud.

Let's skip ahead a few months.... After all the problems I had with my stomach these past years, I wound up getting surgery again in April to remove my right ovary. This gave me a month off work, so I had lots of time to have coffee with Kare.
It also gave me the chance to go visit Amy for awhile. By this time, she had come to visit 2 or 3 times, but it was so much fun to see where she worked, to meet her new friends & hang out on her turf for awhile. It was so amazing. We had the greatest time.

Photobucket Photobucket MeAmyAquarium Photobucket

Forgive me for not adding captions to these pictures, but my darling husband bought me a MacBook for Christmas because I thought they were cute and it has intimidated me every day since. I'm still having issues with it.

So.....I come back from my holiday to return to work & cannot understand why I'm still not feeling better. I manage to make it through a 1/2 day and when I go back to the Doctor, it turns out that I have scar tissue that had wrapped itself around just about everything, including the nerves in my upper leg. So, a few weeks later, I'm back getting surgery again and, therefore, more time at home. It's been 12 days since my last operation & I can honestly say I'm feeling so much better.

Amy's up again for a visit & has decided to move closer - on Friday, she will be moving only 4 hours away, and I couldn't be happier.

Because I'm the queen of procrastination, I waited till only recently to apply for my passport, much to my husband's dismay. If it does happen to arrive in time, he & I will be in Vegas the same time as Kare & her family. How totally awesome is that???

I'm going to try my best to keep up with my life. If you're reading this, thanks for sticking around.

Have a great day, everyone. Peace.


Netter said...

Goodness! Well, you certainly hav had an interesting time away from Blogging! I'm glad you are doing much better and very h appy that you are blogging again. I've missed you. Kare has been absent lately, but after her last couple posts, I totally understand why.

I'm glad to hear that Amy is going to be closer to home. I always enjoy your Amy stories...she's a blast. I'm so shocked that Adam resisted the urge to sing around you at home. I mean, Sam drives me nuts with all the songs from the musicals he has preformed in. He usually gets a hold of all the sheet music and plays the tunes on the piano too. By the time the show rolls around, I'm burnt out and sick of the music.

Now when you are in Vegas, remember what they say..."What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"...unless you blog and then its should become public knowledge...lol. Have fun, take lots of pictures and get into some trouble, just not so much that they ban you from the City.

Oh, and I missed you!

Anonymous said...

Oh yay, Darlene! I'm so glad to see you back in blogland!! A lot has happened, eh? I'm sure I'll be bummed when my kids leave home even though I'm sick of looking at their messy rooms right now! And, I'm so glad you're feeling better after your surgery. Take care.

Darlene said...

Nett: Adam does sing around the house. I guess he just was saving his 'good' voice for the stage. ahaha

Sue: I always prayed I'd be ready when the kids finally left the nest - especially to rid myself of the mess! I was so wrong.

I missed you both too!

Kare said...

Guess who's back... back again... Darlene's back... tell a friend waaaaa!
: )
VEGAS BABY!!! Now that should make for somekindof blogging. You'd better get your passport in time. seriously.

Darlene said...

kare: I know, right? How much fun will we have? I mean, seriously.

Kare said...

ps: I am in hiding for the next little while. I really really need a break from life. It's been tough lately.

Darlene said...

kare: Say no more - I'm here when you need me....To either talk, cry, have coffee, smoke, or drive around singing off key.

Love you.

.:Cris:. said...

YAY! Welcome back Darlene :)

Desperate Housewife said...

Hey! Welcome back!