17 June 2008

Worldwide Knit in Public Day...Saturday, 14 June

I'll go anywhere - even if I don't knit....

I grabbed Kare's throw that she's making for Danielle's grad and said, "Take a picture of me pretending to knit!" (I kinda look like a pro, don't I??)

My favorite friend :o)

Guess who actually won a prize?

Okay, this is me actually knitting.

Not sure what it was supposed to be, but I did it!!!! Kare was so proud I thought she was going to cry.


Anonymous said...

It was such a blast. But Darlene, I don't see any pics. what's going on here?

Kare said...

oh! there they are. ( Are these pics a little skewed or do I always look, um, how you say...special?? Just wondering.)

I am sooo proud of you, girlfriend. True story. ; )

Desperate Housewife said...


Your "thing" looks great!

Darlene said...

Well, they look normal on my end - you're the 'special' one I'm guessing!

.:Cris:. said...

I still cant believe they allowed you in public with pointy sticks....


knit on, girlfriend!

Darlene said...

cris: AHAHAHAH I said the same thing! However, I believe my knitting days are over - I'll leave that to Kare. ;o)