16 August 2007

What I'm Reading

I noticed Amy reading this last week, and she was unable to put it down. So, as I'm in the process of reading a book that I'm having a hard time getting into, she suggested I take a break from it and give this one a shot. I've only just started it, but I'm enjoying it already. However, I have a feeling that I may shed a tear or two...


Kare said...

I almost bought that book for holidays but ended up with The Time Traveler's Wife. I didn't really like it much. Let me know what you think of this book.

Anonymous said...

karen - you can so borrow it when my mom is done! its SO good!
i love it real bad.

Desperate Housewife said...

Gaaaah! That book depressed me so much I had to eat a whole box of Turtles!

Darlene said...

kare: Like Amy said - you can borrow it when I'm done.

dh: I can only hope that it makes me that depressed...I love Turtles!

Netter said...

Turtles...yummy. I might just have to read that book now. I think I have seen it around. I liked The Time Traveler's Wife...it was different. I'm so bad. I have not been reading. I figure once the weather cools down, I'll feel more like staying in bed and hitting a book. Cool, rainy days are the best days to read.

Librarian Girl said...

In Libraryland, us librarians had a whole discussion about how the cover art on the book makes it look like a light, happy read and then you get into it...and it ain't.

These are the kinds of discussions we librarians have. I know. It's weird.

Kare said...

Um, if it's too depressing I'll have to pass. I need upbeat stuff. But thanks, Amy. Is it super depressing?

Dan said...

Don't spill any coffee on it. Someone may want to borrow it! :)

Happy weekend!