12 October 2006

Wow - it's been awhile, huh? Sorry I haven't keep this up, but my life has been so busy, and now that I'm going to have quite a bit of time on my hands, I figured I'd keep you all up to speed as to what's been happening....

A few days ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with a pain in my side - this has happened before, but nothing this severe. I did manage to get up & get ready for work, but after about an hour of being there, I knew I had to get to a doctor. I left work & went straight to his office, and after an examination, he determined that there was a high possibility that it was appendicitis, and sent me to the hospital immediately. Well, I had blood tests, pee tests, and three ultrasounds. Not appendicitis.

An OBGYN was called in and I was told that my right fallopian tube was twisted, folded in half, inflamed and full of fluid, and that they had to go in and remove my right ovary & tube. I had my uterus removed 8 years ago - not fun at all, people. I dreaded the fact that with only one ovary, I would have to be on hormone replacements for the rest of eternity.

So, at midnight I was brought in for emergency surgery. They did manage to keep both of my ovaries (thank God), but both of my fallopian tubes were removed. Not like they were of any use to me anyway - seriously. So, I'm assuming my ovaries are floating around in my stomach now, not attached to anything, probably wondering what's up.

I'm home now for awhile, and getting spoiled like crazy. Kare & Jayne brought over wonderful care packages (I love you guys so much), and mine & Vaughn's companies both sent me beautiful bouquets of flowers.

I'm sure in a few days I'll be feeling more like myself, and I'll be bored silly, so I promise to blog more. I still have to post pictures of my birthday, which was great, by the way.

I'm off to bed now, with coffee, a book from kare, and some awesome pain medication. Peace.


Netter said...

Goodness! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Whatever you do, let people spoil you rotten. Don't get cocky and start doing everything yourself...milk it! I was wondering what happened to you...you were MIA longer than I was, but I didn't have a good reason for not blogging.

Anonymous said...

You blogged!!
You seem to be doing alright, amazingly enough. I've never heard of someone having an operation and then going homea couple of hours later. That's crazy. You always have to be different.
Enjoy your rest.
I'll be over to share the pain medication later. hahaha
love you.

Lucy said...

Wow....so glad all went okay for you...just rest and obey doctor's orders!

aj said...

OMG Get better soon! Sounds grueling.

Oh, and by the way, I missed you!

.:Cris:. said...

*drops by fresh coffee*
(gonna make a name for myself doing this... LOL)

Hope you're 100% soon, Darlene- and yes, enjoy the downtime while you can! =0)

tiptoeing out the door leaving chocolates & flowers,

Desperate Housewife said...

Holy crap! Hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! That was a surprise! Hope your feeling better soon!

Unknown said...

Get well soon!! Glad to hear that you made it through. Get lots of rest. Kare is such a sweety!!

Kare said...

aw shucks.

I would do anything for you, Darlene. You are one of the chosen few. ; )

Are you still doped up? I'll give you a shout later, k.

Schell said...

Holy, Darlene. I havn't been blogging for just a bit either, but wow. What did you do to twist your fallopian tube? Just kidding. Take care kay. What book are you reading. Nothing like going to bed with a coffee and a book.

Kare said...

'what did you do to twist your fallopian tube'

Darlene said...

wanna hear something funny? Vaughn actually looked at me before the surgery & asked, "Did I do that?" I said, "What? Knock my 'earth' off it's axis?" He said, "I prefer the term 'rock your world'. If I did, I'm the man." LOL

Librarian Girl said...

Holy smokes! (I'm just catching up with all my blog peeps after a vacation, so sorry for the delayed comment). Hope you are ok, and take care! Sounds like you have awesome support and love around you. Feel better soon! (and happy birthday!)