24 August 2006

What have I done???

A year ago, I left my 55hr/week job in search of something new....I decided that I no longer wanted to spend more time with my co-workers than I did with my family and chose to "semi-retire" - aka work part time. (I was figuring that I would prepare myself for complete retirement when I win the lottery in 8 years and 33 days, according to my clairvoyant, Karen)

At first, I actually didn't know what to do with all this free time - you know, having all of my evenings and weekends to myself, but my body quickly adjusted. I love it. More than you'll ever know. I don't believe for one minute that I was ever meant to work. I was meant to be a a rich person (or maybe even royalty), who hired people to do my work, and I could volunteer every so often to keep my conscience intact.

About a month ago, I had a "what-was-I-thinking" moment, and agreed to work full time all this week. You know how it is - it's far enough away that it doesn't really affect you, and then it creeps up on you, and before you know it, you're all of a sudden rushing in the mornings, getting home in the evening so tired that you just want to throw a box of crackers & a can of soup at your family because the last thing you want to think about is preparing dinner.

So, here I am this week - so tired I want somebody to take me behind the barn and shoot me. It's funny how easily I got used to the part-timing....I never ever worked part time in my life. Today I work 12 hours and I want to die.

This weekend, I plan to stay in my jammies and I have 2 books that I'm going to stay in bed and read:

I may possibly venture out for coffee & conversation with Karen, but that's it. No housework, no cooking, no anything else. Have a great day, everyone.....(p.s. because of my lack-of-a-uterus, I can only assume that I'm pms-ing...Heaven help all who I come in contact with today) Pray for me.


Kare said...

The book is a farce!!! You didn't buy it did you?????

Darlene said...

I did - I know it's a farce - I'm reading it for pure entertainment, nothing else. I don't give a damn if he's a liar. If he can hold my attention, that's all I care about.

Kare said...

Don't you have any principles?

heeehee my word verification is "eevefa" as in "what eeve-fa"

Darlene said...

Ummm..I have lots of principles. The book is fiction - you and Oprah have to get over it.

Kare said...

Hey lady.
Don't put me in with Oprah. I don't like her.
She has issues. Get over them, Oprah. ya, your people were slaves, ya it sucked, blah blah blah.
Not like your hurtin' now, are you, Opie?

Kare said...

Have a great day, chickie. I'll stop in and see you later.

Anonymous said...

The book was originally written as fiction that they said wouldn't sell, hence the auto-biographical label. However, it's a great read! A real page turner. Even though details are high exaggerated, the basic struggle with detox and thrapy are probably right on. I enjoyed reading it.

Have a relaxing weekend! Sounds awesome!

Desperate Housewife said...

I believe I was meant to be Tori Spelling, but some celestial screw-up made me a working joe by mistake.
The first book is a good read. I always read memoirs with a grain of salt anyway. I mean, I can't remember what I wore or ate yesterday, let alone be able to remember entire conversations and places from ten years ago.

Schell said...

I liked the first one, never got to the second one yet. And, Oprah is my hero.

Schell said...

I totally hear ya on the working thing.

LadyLinoleum said...

I'm with ya. Work sucks!

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