12 August 2006

Just for awhile.....

Banff Springs Hotel - My future temporary home.


Schell said...

Wanna know what we did there. I did it 2 different times, once with my mom and once with my husband and his family. We go into the halls up in the hotel and see if we can get a look into the rooms. Yep, we're from the sticks. Just fun to see how the other half lives. I think only the Queen can afford to stay there. So did ya have fun. Glad you're back. Chow

Darlene said...

hahaha Gee, I never thought of doing that. Don't worry, schell- when I move in there, you won't have to peek in, I'll invite you! ;o)

Desperate Housewife said...

I did that once at the fancy-schmancy Algonquin hotel in St Andrews, NB! We had brunch there (all we could afford there) and had a walk around while pretending to be guests. I was hoping to come upon an unattended housekeeping cart so I could steal some lotion or soap or something.
I have no problem admitting I have no class.
We also saw an Irving in the dining room! An actual, real, filthy rich Irving!

Kare said...

Isn't it amazing?!
Did you see Lance Bass-I heard he was supposed to be there. hehehe

We're in Red Deer, and they have free computers. it's so cool. We actually have to check out soon and I still haven't even combed my hair.
Next stop Edmonton for school shopping and dance shoes and then home. Thank God.