16 August 2006

I've been tagged.........

....by my partner-in-crime, Karen.
Karen wants me to finish these sentences.....So, here I go....

1) The one household chore I don't mind doing is....
Bathrooms....Now, don't get me wrong, I don't necessarily love cleaning bathrooms, but, there's nothing more satisfying than walking into a sparkling, clean smelling bathroom...

2) The last person that made a surprise visit to my home...
Actually wasn't for me - it was Adam's best friend, Scout. He rode about 8-10km from his house on his bike, in the rain, to surprise him.

3) I cannot comprehend....
People who complain that they are fat - when they're obviously not. Even though I'm still packing on a bit of "winter weight", my motto is still - "One can never be too rich or too skinny". I actually have a silent resentment for anorexics and bulimecs...I swear I'd be one of the two if I didn't absolutely have a love affair with food, or if I didn't hate vomiting.

4) At this moment, I wish....
That every day was a Saturday & I didn't have to work.......or that I would win the lottery. ;o)

5) The last serious discussion I had was....
With my daughter's best friend, Jamie, yesterday...Amy called me and told me that Jamie & her boyfriend since high school had broken up and wanted me to bring her flowers because Amy's still on her road trip...I called to see how she was doing and she was so sad - it broke my heart. Amy's childhood friends are like my kids....I love them all with all of my heart.

6) The thing that mad me laugh the hardest today was....
It was actually last night - Amy called and she's in Nowhere Land in British Columbia - She was laughing hysterically because they were driving though some town that smelled like cat litter. May not sound too funny to you, but she was "out-of-her-mind" laughing, thinking that this was the funniest thing that she had ever experienced.

So, according to Karen's rules, I'm supposed to tag 3 people, and they in turn tag 3 people, and I guess this will go on until the end of time - So, here are my 3....

mist1, .:cris:., and last, but not least, desperate housewife

I'm stupid - I don't know how to add the links to the names, and it's too early to call Karen to get her help....She's been helping me with all my stupid "blogging" challenges....;o)


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the clean bathroom thing!

Desperate Housewife said...

Those are hard questions! I'll give it a whirl, though.
I wish I could be anorexic or bulimic for just a month or two, to get those stubborn 20 lbs off. I think I'd rather be bulimic, because at least you get to have a good pig out. There's no way I could ever just starve myself. Of course, the barfing after the pig out...gross!

mist1 said...

1. No cleaning. Ever. Sorry. Gotta pay someone for that.

2. Last week the Chinese delivery guy was at my door. He hadn't even rung the doorbell and I opened the door to check the mail. I screamed. He screamed. My "Happy Family" ended up on the ground.

3. Small talk. I suck at it. It's a challenge for me to say stuff like, "hot enough for ya?"

4. I could tell everyone my secret. I am struggling to keep it in.

5. Today with the Financial Advisor.

6. G when he told me to wash that weasel smell off of me. I had been holding a ferret.

On a personal note, as a recovering anorexic (just celebrated a year starvation-free), I still believe that you can never be too rich or too soon.

Now you know more about me than I generally tell people.

Kare said...

I tried to comment earlier but blogger was being a butt.

"You will win the lotto someday, Darlene, I can feel it."

That's what I typed.
Did you have a good day?

Darlene said...

karen: I did have a good day - you're coming Sunday, right?

Kare said...

I totally forgot about it.
But I will be there.
What time - 7?

Darlene said...

6:30 - don't you dare forget. ;o)

Anonymous said...

I won't. sheesh!
but maybe call me to remind me, k.
; )

Schell said...

Is that a yummy tropical drink I see your using as your picture? Looks good. Gotta change my pic. Can't find one just yet though. Have a great day Darlene.

Kare said...

Hey, you need to blog, lady.
hahaha I called you lady...that's funny!
Are you having tropical drinks at your party on Sunday? Maybe I should walk over, hey.
Schell, you can come too! It's a 'tupperware' party!

Darlene said...

yeas! Schell, you have to come! It'll be a hoot!

Kare said...

A hoot! hahahaha my kids make fun of me when I say that.
hey...are you making fun of me now?

Darlene said...

Me??? Make fun of you??? Never! ;o)

(actually, I didn't know that "a hoot" was humorous - I think you need to groud all of your kids, not just tres) lol

Kare said...

Your kids don't make fun of you for saying that? I'll talk to them.
Do you want me to bring anything on Sunday. Other than my Visa, of course.
Please blog soon.

Darlene said...

Just bring yourself, girlfriend (and yes, your Visa is most important), and if you know anyone that wants to come along, bring them as well ;o)

Kare said...
