14 August 2006

Whale Watching

Amy's on a road trip. With Benjamin *rolling eyes*.

Don't ask me what it is that I don't like about him, because, after long hours of contemplating this, I can't figure it out. He came into her life at the beginning of summer, as he's up here working as the summer events coordinator for the Boys & Girls Club. He also volunteers for Big Brothers. He genuinely cares for Amy.... But he flew in like a tornado and is enthusiastic about absolutely everything. I mean, who's enthusiastic about everything? Ben is.

Me: I don't like Benjamin *rolling eyes*

Amy: How can you not? And stop calling him Benjamin. And stop rolling your eyes.

Me: He's a mixture between Jeff Spicolli from Fast Times at Ridgemont High and Owen Wilson, and I don't like either.

I have since, softened to the idea of him... He treats Amy with so much respect, and does things to make her smile. Actually, she's been smiling all summer - if you knew the bitterness that flows through that girl's veins, you would know that this is no small task.

Amy has never seen a whale...Since "Free Willy" came out, she has been determined that she has to see one before she dies. Benjamin has taken it upon himself to take Amy on this road trip to Vancouver so she can fulfill her dream.

They have a destination - they just have a "fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants" way of getting there. No agenda. This drives me crazy. We've had a few conversations since she's been gone.

Conversation 1

Me: Oh daughter, where art thou?

Amy: Just leaving - and I've got one hell of a hangover.

Me: Sweet, Amy. That's so nice. You're in the middle of nowhere and you've got a hangover.

Amy: You know what's funnier? We got drunk last night at a place called the "Blue Yak".

Me: Goodbye Amy.

Conversation 2

Amy: Ben went sky-diving today and he survived!

Me: Does that mean I don't have to worry about you getting home next week?

Amy: We're not even half way through the trip - don't rule it out yet.

Me: Goodbye Amy.

Conversation 3

Me: Where are you?

Amy: In Lake Louise. Ben's friend lives in a tree-house and we're staying here for the night.

Me: A tree house?? What do you mean, a tree house???

Amy: He works at the hotel here, and they have lodging for the staff. You know - it's kinda like "Dirty Dancing".

Me: Does he at least look like Patrick Swayze?

Amy: No. He kinda looks like a "Totally Gay Ken" doll.

Me: Well could you videotape him saying "Nobody puts Baby in a corner" anyway?

Amy: Goodbye Mother

So, I'm crossing my fingers and praying to God she has a wonderful experience. It's never a dull moment with Amy anyway, and it's even less dull since Benjamin entered her life. Let's hope she finally gets to see a whale....And she makes it back to tell me.


Schell said...

Nobody puts Baby in a corner. Oh Darlene, I love that show. You got me thinkin I better watch it again for the hundredth time. Can never get enough. Sounds like she's having fun. This guy sounds pretty cool for her too. Is he staying here after the summer? Imagine a quest to see a whale. Too funny.

Darlene said...

schell: he actually leaves after the summer - I think his last day is 4 Sept. It should be real fun here after that. Poor Amy.

Anonymous said...

Wow! This brings up memories of my youth! Sounds like you daughter is having quite an adventure. Also sounds like you have a great relationship with your daughter, and that's the important thing. Summer's almost over...

mist1 said...

Hey, I know the Blue Yak well. I also know the purple yak (wine) and the red yak (marinara sauce). I am familiar with lots of yaks.

Anonymous said...

Well Darlene i am glad you had a good holiday and are back safe & sound ...Please don't wish for things like snow...I am living with it here in Frigging freezing New Zealand!!!!!!Yesterday we had snow, torrential rain, hail, oh and wind all day and night...I sooooo wish i was there with you instead.....

Anonymous said...

oh by the way yesterday half a hillside of volcanic rock fell on some peoples houses!!!!!Thats how crappy the weather has been......Suck!!!

Darlene said...

emma: I miss you so much too!

mist1: yes, you probably know lots of yak colors - the latest being worm colored yaks....eewwhhh

mist1 said...

Blech. Don't remind me...I might yak again. And I just had wasabi (yes, for breakfast). I don't want to see the green yak.

Darlene said...

emma: volcanic rock fell on houses??? I told you that was going to happen someday!!! Shit like that happens when you built a town on an active volcano!

Kare said...

Hey chickie!
Amy will be fine. She's a survivor. Plus it all sounds like fun. No biker bars or anything. Just good clean fun.
Call me when you're home.

This post was so hilarious, BTW. You crack me up.

Desperate Housewife said...

Oh my God, I still get chills when he says "Nobody puts Baby in a corner." Though, now when I watch the movie, it seems sort of...cheesey!

Anonymous said...

I think I'm the only who doesn't know this line.

Darlene said...

karen! did u miss me???? I missed u! ;o)
Patrick Swayze says that line in Dirty Dancing (obviously)...Are you the ONE person on this planet who hasn't seen it?

Darlene said...

dh: when Johnny & Baby dance at the end of the movie, I still get brought to tears...even though it's beyond cheesy...

Kare said...

Her name was Baby? That's a cats name for gawd sakes. Who names their kid Baby, anyway?
Ya, I missed you.
You didn't miss me too much cause you were supposed to call me. And you didn't...
I made you something today. it turned out really gay, though. No offense to your gay readers.
omg. I just called all your readers gay.

Kare said...

Not that there's anything wrong with that...
being gay I mean. Calling people gay isn't really cool. Unless you're just saying, " oh ya, Ellen is gay". or "Oh hey, I marched in the gay parade and saw Ellen and Portia". I didn't mean for it to sound bad. It just came out sounding like that.
If I were a guy I'd so be gay.
I think I'll just shut up now...

Darlene said...

LOL Karen. Her name wasn't actually Baby - that was her nickname. Her name was Frances Houseman...(kinda makes you understand why she didn't mind people calling her Baby, huh?)

Unknown said...

Sounds like your daughter is having fun and I think she will be ok when it is over and done with...Love Dirty Dancing!!!!

Kare said...

I had hair like Baby's. Which was Jennifer someone right? See I know things.

Darlene said...

Jennifer Grey....you Do know things! Your new name is now - "Karen - The Knower of Things"..

Anonymous said...

oh the blue yak.
good times. good times.
MOM IT WAS $2 SHOOTERS! how could i say no?
and ben and nathan bought all of my drinks!
back up off me!
i appreciate you.
and i miss you more than you will ever know.
and you love ben.
ahaha then end.

aj said...

Nobody puts Baby in a corner.


That line runs chills down my back.

Off to watch it.

Darlene said...

aj: LOL I know! Even if you don't like Patrick Swayze, everyone has a crush on him in that movie.