31 December 2008

Our plans for the evening consisted of Vaughn, Adam & I playing the CSI dvd game that Santa brought me. However, Adam informed me this afternoon that he had other ideas and is now spending the night at a friend's house. So, Vaughn has gone to pick us up dinner, I'm in my jammies and we'll be watching more 'Sopranos'. Sounds like a fantastic evening!

Happy New Year to you and your families, and all the best in 2009!


Desperate Housewife said...

The house party we were going to was cancelled, so we had a quiet night, too. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you and your family!

We were going to have yet another quiet New Year's Eve until The Boy informed us that he was going to have a party and invite an out of town guest to stay until Friday. They played a bit of ddr (loud), jammed some (very loud) and watched some videos. Once the ball dropped, I was in bed faster than you could say, "2009." Seriously, I need to have more fun this year.

.:Cris:. said...

Happy New Year!!!

I saw bits and pieces of the Sopranos over the years, I am so jealous that you get to see them ALL! :)

Kare said...

Happy new year, Darlene. I miss you so much some days it hurts.

Lucy said...

Happy New Year, Darlene!!!