12 January 2009

all work and no play makes darlene a dull girl.....

This is my favorite mug - the mug I won't let anyone else use for fear that they will lose a limb. Inside this mug are the remains of my final egg nog latte of the season - taken Friday. No more until November. I think my heart dies a little each year.

My weekend consisted of my parents coming over Saturday for dinner. They leave on Wednesday and will be back in June for Adam's graduation. It was great seeing them, but, I don't know what it is about my mother - she drives me to the brink of insanity after 10 minutes of being in a room with her. I haven't decided if it's her tone of voice or some underlying unconscious resentment I have. Don't get me wrong, I love her. But, there's just something that makes me want to flail my arms and start shrieking madly whenever we get in the same room together.

Yesterday was a complete jammie day - I decided that I'm treating myself to one of these every week. I wrapped up in a blanket and finished season 3 of 'The Sopranos', while eating a shitload of pistachios washed down with an insane amount of caffeine-free diet coke. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend a day. However, I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I'm finished the complete series. I'm averaging a season a week, and with only 3 seasons to go, I figure I'll just go crazy. I tried to limit myself to only watching an episode or two on the weekends, but by Monday of last week, I was like a heroin addict. I was shoveling my dinner in me as quick as I could just so I could sit down to watch 'just one'. Needless to say, it's never just one, and I'm dreaming about it every night. I think I've become obsessed.

I'm a complete winter person. Just ask anyone. However, I can honestly say, without remorse, that I'm totally sick of the cold. In the 26 years that I've lived in this city, I've never experienced a winter like this. With the temperatures -30 or colder every day since the end of November and the days being so short, I'm slowly going batshit crazy - I'm starting to feel like Jack Nicholson in 'The Shining'.


Lucy said...

So many blogs I've read said that people just stayed in there jammies this past weekend for at least one of the days and did some sort of craft...and here I thought I was the only one!

Netter said...

I totally understand where you are coming from with your Mom issue. I don't have the Mom issue, I have issues with my Dad. The man drives me nuts and I swear he does it for fun and to see how far he can push me before I start acting like him. He can dish it out but he can't take it. I told him that he better watch it and hope and pray that Mom doesnt' go first. I swear, I'll stick his butt in a nursing home so fast it will make his head spin. Yeah, the first sign that he's loosing in...I'm signing papers. Lucky for me, he's already half way there. No secret there. Don't get me wrong...I love the man but he drives me friggin nuts. I sound mean right now...but believe me, if you met him, you'd understand.

I like the PJ's idea. Actually, that's how I rolled all day today.

Desperate Housewife said...

I too want to strangle my mother. I think it must be some evolutionary thing, to make sure the young leave the nest.

Anonymous said...

Ahahaha! Um, where do I start? I totally get and fully support Pajama Day. I wasn't exactly in my jammies last weekend but I can tell you that I didn't get one pickin' thing done and that was my intention.

The mom thing: I have that with my dad. OMG! He gets on these old man rants and won't let up for hours. On top of that, he's almost completely deaf so he's HOLLERING the entire time. OMFG!! You can't even join the conversation because he can't hear you or if he does hear you, he doesn't understand a word you say and if he does understand, then he thinks you're yelling at him...because you are...because he's deaf. It's an ugly spiral downward from there. My visit there last summer hit new heights of stark raving get me out of this house. It made me feel young again, just like a recalitrant teenager that can't wait to go out and get high behind the garage.

However, my mom is a sweetheart and it's always a pleasure to see her.

And finally, -30!! OYE!

Darlene said...

Lucy: God Bless jammie day. Amen. :o)

Nett: My mom has always hinted that if my dad dies she's gonna come live with me and drive me crazy (yes, those were her exact words). I told her that her ass would be in a nursing home so quick she wouldn't know what hit her. Yeah, it may sound mean, but she just laughs and thinks I'm joking.

dh: I hope our kids don't feel that way...How could they, though? I mean, seriously, how cool are we? ;o)

sue: I'm sorry about your dad, but I also apologize that I couldn't stop laughing at your post. I could visualize your scenario with your dad - people would pay to watch that stuff. I guess I can find humor because I can relate somewhat. Nice to know that all of our parents are crazy. LOL