26 January 2009

how i spent my jammie day

After giving myself a much needed break from 'The Sopranos' (It's getting bad when I'm seriously considering whacking anyone who pisses me off - the fact that I use the term 'whacking' should be a warning in itself), after making Mickey Mouse waffles for Adam and his friend for breakfast I then figured I'd wrap up in a blanket and watch something a little lighter for a change. Besides, it has only been a month and I'm already 1/2 way through season 5.

'Ghost Town' was exactly how I thought it would be - Ricky Gervais was made for this character - at one point I laughed so hard, I actually cried. If you've seen the movie, you know which scene I'm talking about. 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall', to me, was along the same humor as 'Superbad', '40 Year-Old Virgin' - funny, lame, and just what I needed.

Going on Day 5 of my diet and, as of Friday I was down 1.6lbs. Yesterday I had to pee so much, the normally 2 hour movies took about double the time to watch - I swear if I were a man I would think I had a prostate problem.


.:Cris:. said...

I enjoyed Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I'm not a big fan of corny movies. I like the lead guy (brainfarting- what is his name?) because of watching (religiously) How I Met Your Mother. However, I do not care to see his bare ass ever again! *giggle* Still waiting for my turn to see Ghost Town...

Keep up the good work on your diet!

Desperate Housewife said...

If you like stupid funny movies you should watch Stepbrothers! I laughed so hard I cried for an entire 15 minute period!

Darlene said...

cris: Yeah, it was quite shocking the first time he was buck naked - I think the phrase 'Oh Shit!' came out of my mouth before I cracked up laughing.

dh: Amy mentioned 'Stepbrothers' to me - I'm going to rent that one this weekend, even though John C Reilly kinda creeps me out.

Anonymous said...

Oh good! Ghost Town is arriving in the mail today from netflix. Can't wait! Good luck on that diet. Currently, I'm on the Red Velvet Cake diet which isn't working very well but is delish. ;o)