19 January 2009

confessions of a shopaholic...

My main resolution this year was to be more frugal. You see, I'll be the first to admit that I have a little bit of a shopping problem. I'm an impulse buyer. I'm sure there has to be some type of support group I could join, but, I figured I'd try to go cold turkey - only the necessities. Nobody needs a closet for only purses & shoes....do they? Furniture can last longer than a year or two. I've got to stop living in the world of want and focus on what I actually need. After a ton of soul searching, I actually got nauseous thinking of the money I've wasted.

On Friday afternoon, while taking Adam to the book store, I stumbled into Stokes and celebrated my newfound economic maturity by purchasing these:

Let me just say (as it ALWAYS is with me), I absolutely loved these in the store. Loved, loved, loved. Once I got them home and they were washed & put in their temporary home that is my cupboard, all I could think was 'whatever.....they'll do for a few months'.

p.s. If you're wondering (you're probably not) why this dish set didn't come with mugs, well, they did - I just have no room for them, so they never even left the box. Allow me to show you a few shelves in my cabinet... You see, I have a weakness for mugs as well...



.:Cris:. said...

Lucky girl. I have tendonitis so my dishes come from the Corelle line (because they are light and easier for me to manage.) I can proudly say that we've been using the same set of dishes for 12 or so years. They need replaced, ahh a girl can dream. I love living vicariously through you! :)

Netter said...

OMG, I think we may be soul sisters....for I to have a problem or should I say, no problem spending money. Part of my problem is that I love to buy things for other people. Just yesterday, I put back three things that I wanted to buy. That's a good thing, right. Ofcourse, I didn't put back several more items that I didn't really need. I do have Rue's Valentine's Day presents bought...and I bought more craft stuff...OK, OK, I have a problem.

Darlene said...

Cris: Vaughn keeps saying that one of these days he's hoping for me to show up with Corelle - they're his favorite - I do agree that they are WAY lighter and they don't break!!! Stoneware weighs a ton - I had the edge chipped off one of the new plates in less than a minute after it was out of the box. Who knows, maybe someday it will be Corelle, and I'll keep them forever?

Nett: Yes, you do have a problem. Nice to know it's not only me. hahahah I constantly fill up my shopping cart & remove stuff all over the store - that shows some kind of restraint, doesn't it?

Desperate Housewife said...

I have no problem spending money either. The only problem is I have no money!

Anonymous said...

I look at stuff, want it, and then think, "Just where am I going to store that?" I swear, this shack can't fit in any more stuff. My fear of clutter trumps the buy it impulse every time. I'm no fun.

Darlene said...

dh: You know what I'd love? To live somewhere like you live - you go on the greatest road trips - I think that would be more fun than shopping!

sue: you see, I don't look at it that way - I used to be a hoarder years ago, but my house is pretty small, so when I buy new stuff, I just give the old stuff away.

Kare said...

Darlene... you've never been a hoarder! hahaha
The dishes are cute. Which set did you have before? I can't keep up with you and your everchanging dishes.
(My compter is working today! or at least right now. yay!)

Anonymous said...

Clearly, if I'm to make any progress in the shopping dept, I must first learn to let go. Enjoy your lovely new dishes.