27 September 2007

Travelling Tunes

Do you have 'driving music'? You know - music that you hear in your car, and you blast the stereo to bust and belt out the song like it's your job? Well, I actually have 2 songs at the moment. They vary from time to time, but for the past few weeks, it's been

1) "Shut up and Drive" by Rihanna - Okay, I seriously choreographed a complete dance number while driving and listening to this tune one day. This song is fun, hip and makes me want to shake my groove thing. When Adam's in the car with me and this song comes on, he automatically shuts up, rolls his eyes into the back of his head and pretends that I'm just a random stranger that picked him up on the side of the road.

2) "Rockstar" by Nickelback - Much to everyone's disgust, I have to admit that I have a little bit of a school girl crush on the lead singer of this band. Yes, kare, I know you think he looks like Jesus. But, it's not so much his looks as it is his voice and the complete and utter dirtiness of some of the lyrics. Many a time I've listened to their songs and thought "I'd strip to that". ANYWAY....back to my story..

So, yesterday morning after I dropped Adam off at school, I'm shuffling through XM radio looking for tunes and "Rockstar" came on - I instantly cranked the volume to teenage level & proceeded to sing for my supper. I love to sing - I suck like a vacuum, but in my car, I can transform from Mariah to Celene to Fergie to Kelly Clarkson to Rihanna, and yes, to the lead singer of Nickelback. I start singing to the top of my lungs. I have to add that I'm sure people look at me like I've lost it, but when I'm in the moment, I don't care who's watching.

So, here I am - sitting at a red light - music blaring, me keeping right in time with the tunes, and I look over at the car next to me. There's a guy, sitting in his car doing the exact same thing to the exact same song. He notices me noticing him - we both laugh, and continue singing while sitting in our cars.

We open up for Nickelback next month.

Have a great evening, everyone. Peace.


egan said...

Lots of crazy folks in that music video there.

I really like The Jayhawks for driving music.

.:Cris:. said...

You go girl!! :)

I've traded Rockstar in for Animals ;) otherwise I am all for crankin' and crooning (yeah, I'm a vac too) along...

Have a great weekend!!!

Darlene said...

egan: Jayhawks? Never heard of them - I'll check it out. :o) (nice to see you!)

cris: The 1st time I heard Animals, I think I actually blushed. ahahahah Awesome song.

Librarian Girl said...

Oh my god, that totally happened to me this week too! Only the person who was driving next to me was belting it out so hard that he didn't look over to see me, doing the same.

Darlene said...

librarian: AHAHAHA what song were you two singing?

Desperate Housewife said...

I hate roadtrips with Peter because he WILL NOT rock out in the car. It's not quite as much fun when someone is snickering at you, but I do it anyway.

Anonymous said...

And who wouldn't want to be a rockstar? Or at least sing like one. Rock on, girl!