09 September 2007

I Need Another Few Days - This Weekend was too Busy!

Wow - It's Sunday evening, and I'm exhausted! Friday evening, Vaughn, Amy & her friend & I went to the annual 'Kids Forever' fundraiser - a benefit for children with special needs. Amazingly, they raised $305 000.00 this year!!! It was a great night, as always:

Sorry - I can't be serious all the time....Who am I kidding - I can't even be serious half the time.

Saturday was my baby girl's 21st birthday! However, because she wasn't awake yet, my girlfriend, Jayne & I went and got our tattoos. Because we were so in love with Amy's, we actually both chose getting our husband's initials on our wrists. As panicky as I was, it was surprisingly not that bad.

Saturday evening Amy had a bunch of friends over for birthday cake and fancy slushie drinks. Her requested cake this year was fruit pizza, so, what my girl wants - my girl gets.

Adam's school's Drama Club is performing 'Cats' this winter and he auditioned this week and will be playing the role of Skimbleshanks, so, rehearsals started this afternoon. I dropped him off, and then proceeded to meet Kare at the dog park - lots of fun! Then the usual Sunday activity....grocery shopping. After getting home and finally getting everything put away, I slumped on the couch & went into a coma for about a half hour, until it was time to pick Adam up. I think it'll be an early night tonight. I'm only staying up long enough to see if Britney Spears makes a fool of herself on the VMAs tonight.

Have a good evening, everyone. Peace.


Kare said...

Your tattoo is soooooooo great!
Love the pics!
How did Jayne's turn out? I didn't realize that she got one too.
Your other pics are great too. Thanks for posting them. How hot do you look in them? Really.
Happy belated birthday Amy and congrats Adam!
(you are such a Martha Stewart!)

Darlene said...

kare: Thanks! It's my last one, I swear. ;o) However, I'm game if you ever decide to get another one. ahahah
Thanks for today - the dog park was a hoot. I love spending time with you anyway!

Netter said...

Nice Tat! I love the lettering....he's good. You guys look great in all the pics. I have to say, I really like Amy's hair that color and you match. The fruit pizza looks great. What kind of glaze did you use?

You know, when CATS was on Broadway, they wore tights. Please tell me that they are not forcing those kids in tights...high school is hard enough, without that.

Glad you had such a fun weekend.

Desperate Housewife said...

Congrats on the tattoo, HB to Amy, and I think you should frame those pics of you and your hubby, especially the second one.

I stayed up for Britney, too, I'm sorry to admit. She looks pretty good for a two time mama, but that outfit was very unflattering. She also looked very unenergetic, as though she doesn't have three nannys for her kids.

Darlene said...

nett: For the glaze, I used the juice out of cans of fruit - I let it boil on the stove & thickened it with corn starch mixed with apple juice...simmered & stirred for 5 minutes. Easy cheesie. I asked Adam about the tight situation - he kind of looked horrified for a second, and then shrugged his shoulders. hmmmmm

dh: Britney's outfit was definitely unflattering, but I can't believe everyone saying she jiggled like jello - All I can say is I wish I looked as shitty as she apparently does... However, her performance was so dull. I read that she actually went backstage & cried afterwards. Poor thing - she was probably nervous as hell - and it probably would have been a good idea to stay away from Diddy's party the night before.

Yarn Tails said...

Totally kewl tat! I am going to get some more added to my rose in the next month or so.

All your pics look great!

That fruit pizza looks so yummy!!

Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Oh my! Tattoos, Cats, and fruit pizza! Too kewl! Lovely tatto, when is the hub getting your intials?

Darlene said...

yarn: Thanks! Don't say I didn't warn you - they're addictive as hell. hahahah

sue: I'm thinking he'll probably get one when hell freezes over. LOL He's 100% tattoo free & wants to keep it that way. He thinks it's really cool, but being raised a Baptist, he tends to leave this earth with the body God brought him here with. I'm just decorating mine. AHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

however i was not to found of sharing it, i wont lie.

and sick i look like courtney love on sundays with that crown on and my horrible dye job.
[ thanks for the compliment though netter! ]

and thanks for the birthday wishes guys! =]

thanks for the great birthday mom, considering what a horrid two days it was.

i love you everyday.

Librarian Girl said...

You just have too much fun, girlie. I need to come hang out with you.

Darlene said...

Amy: Lets hope you make my birthday as memorable as yours. AHAHAHAHAH (sue me, I'm pulling a 'nanny')

librarian: we'd get into far too much trouble. Bring bail money.