12 September 2007

The latest book.

I'm a fan of Mitch Albom - my daughter got me turned on to him years ago with the books "Tuesdays with Morrie" and "The Five People You Meet in Heaven". They were definitely 'tug at your heartstrings' books and, like my daughter, I passed them on to many people.
I was at the bookstore a few weeks ago, and one of the workers mentioned that he had a newer book - "for one more day". I had it finished before I could even go to bed. If you haven't read it already, I'm urging you to. It was simply amazing. However, I actually didn't think I'd ever stop crying. Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

I haven't read it yet but just got it for my mom for her birthday and she really enjoyed it. I'll put it on my must read list.

Netter said...

I liked it too. I was blubbering like a baby. You know, sometimes it doesn't take much to make me cry. I cry at books, movies, Hallmark commercials...but if someone upsets me or I injure myself, I refuse to cry. I'm strange. Anyway, It was a great book. Bob Greene wrote a great book about his friend that had cancer and his death....you'd probably like it. I can't think of the name...but it was good.

Darlene said...

sue: you won't be disappointed.

nett: you're like me! I'm so stubborn when it comes to hurting myself, but I'm a blubbering idiot at everything else. I'm going to check on the other book on Amazon.

Desperate Housewife said...

I've never read Mitch Albom. I've just never gotten around to him.

Darlene said...

dh: you have to read this. You absolutely have to read this one.

Kare said...

I really don't want to read a book that will make me cry. Can you just email the important points of this book?

Fianna said...

You may have scared me away from this book. I am a certified crybaby. I cry at movies, TV shows, work, the hairdresser, the vending machine. I cry. My tear ducts may need a Ritalin prescription.

I love me a good cry, but to know one is coming? I am not sure I can handle that excitement!

Darlene said...

kare: It's sooooo good. You may actually like it - Amy's almost finished & she's only welled up a few times. May the crying thing is just me....

fianna: I am as well - don't want to scare you off, but, trust me on this one. You'll LOVE it.