15 September 2007

I was a pawn in a vicious scheme

So, kare phones me yesterday & asks me if I want to 'pay it forward' with the lawn demons that were left on her lawn a few weeks ago. Needless to say, I'm all about a good time. I'm all about wearing a hoodie in the dead of night, crawling over people's driveways and planting little evil goblins on lawns. But, hey - it was Schell. I knew she'd get a kick out if it. I didn't, however, think she'd figure out it was us so quickly. Here's how it went down.

I arrived at kare's to pick her & 'Satan's toys' up and pack them into my vehicle. Let me say that I'm not a big fan of these. The whole 'ornaments left on the lawn' thing did not amuse me one bit. It actually freaks me out to think they they mysteriously just showed up there. ANYWAY....here they are, being loaded up by a co-conspirator, kare's daughter, Tres:

So, away kare & I go....Like two hoodlums in the dark. We arrive and park a few houses down from Schell's and decide that this is a picture moment:

By this time, I'm thinking that because it's completely dark outside, people tucked away in their homes for the evening are going to see flashes going off and wonder what the heck is going on. This apparently doesn't enter kare's mind even once. So here is a pic of my bad influence:

Picture this, if you will....two hooded strangers crawling over people's driveways with garden ornaments in their arms. Cars are driving by and all I can think is "Holy shit, someone's gonna call the cops". I don't think I laughed so hard in my life. We finally make it to Schell's front lawn and we start to arrange them. They're falling all over the place and we can't stop laughing. We finally get them all standing up and kare poses for a pic:We then proceed to fly back to my car, and kare realizes that we didn't get a pic of me with them.

Me: It's too late! We can't run back now!

kare: We have to! We've come this far! That's part of the dare! Let's go!

So, there we are - crouched down, crawling over the driveways & lawns again - to get this:

I thought for sure we'd get caught! I can't remember running that fast in my life - or laughing that much!

Schell, when you're ready to 'pay it forward', let kare & I know. I'll drive the getaway vehicle.

Have a great day, everyone. Peace.


Kare said...

I had so much fun. I'm totally into stealing lawn ornaments now.
Are you as excited as I am about doing this again with Schell next time?!

Kare said...

(oh, and about my attire.. I was off to shoot my next hip hop video after the lawn stuff. You all didn't know that about me, did you.)

Schell said...

Oh my god, this is hilarious, I seriously would have pissed myself. You guys are so cool, no wonder I like ya so much.

Darlene said...

kare & schell: I'm so TOTALLY stoked about the next lawn ornament adventure!

amanda said...

lol you guys are great. oh and am i the only one who caught on to darlenes acts of kindness? "ill drive the get away car" i think this is just a ploy so you guys cant get her lawn. to funny, looking forward to the next "crime"

Netter said...

Hehe....I wish I could have helped! Dang! I totally loved reading about your adventure. I'm all about little harmless pranks....OH YES!

I'm cooking something up for my next trip to Nebraska. Can't say what, because my family stalks me sometimes.

Desperate Housewife said...

Ba ha ha ha! You guys are such tards!

Darlene said...

amanda: Okay, you got me. I will totally shit a brick if I wake up & they're on my lawn. Not to mention my dog. We'd both need therapy.

nett: You don't have to give us any info, but make sure to take lots of pictures!

dh: They're ain't much to amuse us up here - we have to create our own excitement. ahahah

Netter said...

lol, DH: I thought I was the only person on the face of the earth still using the term tards! I see, I have good company.

Unknown said...

oh. my. god...

I am rolling.
Y'all are some wild n crazy chickas. But you all rock!

Librarian Girl said...

Love the use of the hoodies. So much stealthier that way.

Darlene said...

librarian: we were like ninjas. I swear.

.:Cris:. said...


Thank goodness (or evilness, depends on how you look at it) for internet friends!

Anonymous said...

You crazy kids! I can just picture the whole laughing and running thing in the night! Too funny!