13 October 2008

happy thanksgiving!!!

We had our Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, and, as usual, I overloaded my plate and smothered everything in gravy. If you look closely you'll notice one thing missing from my plate and that's turkey. I love everything about a big dinner, but there's always so many other things to eat, I never have meat until the big sandwiches on Vaughn's famous homemade bread the next day.

It was a quiet day for us - Amy couldn't come home & I had been battling a migraine all weekend, so Vaughn got up and prepared the turkey (which, to me, is the most disgusting chore of all time), so all I did was peel the veggies and make the stuffing. It was much smaller in scale than it usually is, but, with only the 3 of us, it was just right. I left the fancy dishes in the cabinet & it was pretty laid back - we all ate dinner in our jammies and watched movies.

Happy Thanksgiving !


Lucy said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving! That looks delish!

Desperate Housewife said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

My Mom broke her leg a few weeks ago (plus she and my Dad are getting up there,) so I drove out to their house yesterday and cooked a full meal. Today at home I did a pared down version with a big turkey breast instead of an entire bird. I'm already getting sick of turkey.

Darlene said...

lucy & sue: Thanks! It was quite yummy!

dh: I know what you mean - I contemplate not making Thanksgiving dinner every year, because as much as I love turkey, half way through the day I'm already sick of it because of the smell in the house - but...I always do and usually have enough leftovers for a small country.

Netter said...

Yummy! I always take a small piece of turkey, a very juicy looking chunk of dark meat and then I load up on everything else. I prefer left over turkey.