10 February 2007

Okay - first let me apologize for not posting for the last million years - getting back in the swing of things has proven to be more difficult than anticipated.

Banff was amazing - just as I had expected. The weather was beautiful and my new uggs kept my feet toasty. ;o) I didn't go skiing, however, but my husband (after months of pep talks) did manage to get me up on the gondola , even though I thought for sure my nerves would get the best of me again. Here are some pics from almost 8000 feet above sea level:

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I can honestly say that I thought I was going to die, but now it's another thing I can cross of my 'to-do' list.

I found an amazing chocolate store Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting that sold the most unbelievable caramel popcorn. I loved it so much, I went back on my last day to buy 6 bags. If you ever get there, you absolutely have to try it.

We went to Lake Louise one afternoon, and saw some ice sculptures Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
and it was all so beautiful.

The resort we stayed at was quite cozy Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
but it was the view from the outside that was breathtaking.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I spent a lot of time browsing through the great shops - probably spent too much money, but the time away was definitely worth it. These are some views of the main street:
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As great as it was, it's always nice to be back home - I missed the kids and Porkchop terribly. On my way back, Amy told me she was moving out with a friend, so I've been a little melancholy about that - My first child is leaving the nest.... This has been tougher on me than I ever imagined, even though she'll only be living about 10 minutes away.

I'm going to be spending my Sunday catching up on everyone's blogs....I missed you all and I'm starting to feel 'out of the loop'.

Have a wonderful evening, everyone. Peace.


Unknown said...

Hi Darlene! Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Beautiful pictures! Great to have you back! Missed you terribly!!

Librarian Girl said...

Welcome back!

Those pics are amazing. I so need a vacation!

Schell said...

Darlene, it looks like you stayed in the Rocky Mountain Resort, I think that's what it is called, we stayed there last Feb. for a wedding. Banff is awesome, especially all the shops, and the Christmas store. I'm glad you had a good time, like it could go any other way in the mountains eh? I am not a skier or much for the gondola myself. Enjoy you Sunday.

.:Cris:. said...

Your pictures are stunning! Beautiful :) Definately worth the wait.

Welcome home!

Darlene said...

brandy: it was great - I so needed it. :o)

librarian: It's so beautiful there, it doesn't even look real.

schell: you're right! It was a pretty cute place. You have a great day as well. :o)

cris: It's only been a week & I feel like I need another holiday. LOL

Netter said...

Wow, what a pretty area! It sounds like you had a great time. I must say you had me at carmel popcorn....yummy. I'm glad to hear you had such a lovely time.

I'm sorry to hear that you are sad that Amy is moving out. Ten minutes away isn't bad though, it could be worse. You will visit a lot, she will visit a lot and your time together will be even more special. Now you can go through your house and give her stuff you don't use or that you want to replace...like pots and pans, towels, furniture.

Kare said...

and dishes.

Darlene said...

nett: I always look for the opportunity to get new stuff. :o)

kare: LOL you know me too damn well, girlfriend.

Desperate Housewife said...

Oh my God, what beautiful pics. I went to Banff once, right out of high school with a bunch of kids. I swear I hardly remember anything except that the guy I liked "dumped" me for a younger woman (she was 15.)

Lucy said...

I am so jealous...I would love to do something like that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just gorgeous, Darlene! Amazing pics! The bucket on a string ride at the amusement park freaks me out too. Gondolas are a little bit better, but still, I'm not at my most rational. :oP

Glad you're back, you've been missed.

Desperate Housewife said...

More pictures!

egan said...

Fantastic shots. I really want to go up there and see Banff. I've heard amazing things about it. During the winter looks fantastic. Thanks for sharing your photos.