19 February 2007

Do You See What I See?

One Sunday a month, my husband and I try to get together for brunch with our good friends, Jayne and Scott. Even though we talk on the phone and drop into each other's work every now and then, I love it, because it's a time to eat a ton of stuff we don't need to be eating, and a time to catch up on a lot of gossip over a gallon of coffee.

Yesterday was one of those days - we met at our usual brunch spot and in between mouthfuls of food they told me that there was a psychic fair in town - would I like to go? Would I??? I'm all about crazy stuff like that. Vaughn isn't. So, after I bid him farewell in the parking lot, I jumped into the backseat of their truck, and we were off. The whole time I could hear my mother, the crazy, bible-thumping Catholic, nagging at me - "So, you can't spend one hour a week with the Lord, but you can go to a psychic? It's the work of the devil, you know that, don't you Darlene?" I quickly blocked her out - however, I do tend to save this story as ammunition the next time she pisses me off....

We walked into a room that was lined with fortune tellers. We then proceeded to try and decide which one we would go to. Jayne opted for this "Witch Doctor" type who is from a Celtic and Native descent - this lady claimed to be able to dig into past lives, so Jayne was intrigued. I thought it was going to be damn interesting, because I wanted to know why my dear friend was a neurotic germaphobe with the worst case of OCD I had ever come across. So we sit. Jayne touches a crystal & the lady is off and running. Jayne's life apparently began at Atlantis. She was a warrior who helped people get on the 'mother ship' when the city was destroyed. Scott & I glance at each other....I had to walk away....I returned to find out that at one point she was a man that had given a sexually transmitted disease to somebody in a prostitute-ridden town. Too much. So she was done.

I went to buy my ticket for my reading. When the man inquired as to which person I wanted, I told him, "The crazy lady in the corner". Her name was Tara - and I got an "Aura Reading". So, as I sat there, she closed her eyes, flailed her arms around a bit and kept chanting my name. I was told that I'm a person that bores easily (big surprise). I was also told that I am going to be changing jobs soon to work for the company that my husband works for. hmmmm....She also dug into the whole family thing and told me that I have to keep finding hobbies to amuse myself. So.....can anyone teach me how to knit? (kare??)

Anyway, all in all, it was fun, if not a little crazy - and everything would have been great if she hadn't looked at me when we were finished and I was getting out of my chair and said, "You can't leave until I get a hug." I hate touching people - especially crazy little fortune tellers that I don't even know. If she were such a good psychic, would she not have known this?

For pure entertainment purposes only, it was $80.00 well spent. Sorry, I can't type anymore, though - Apparently, I have to go & find something to amuse myself with.

Have a great evening, everyone. Peace.


Kare said...

I can't believe she asked you for a hug!
And Darlene, knitting is just not you. I'm thinking you could be another Stacy from What Not to Wear. Just tell people freely that their outfit sucks. As a hobby. You'd totally rock at that. Saturdays at the mall. Then.. you could be their personal shopper! Oh!

Darlene said...

kare - Oh. My. God. That's totally my calling! But, do you think people would get offended? Not that I care or anything...just curious.

Kare said...

Probably but I think it must be done.

Netter said...

Kare~ Just teach Dalene to knit...maybe she will give up her hate of ponchos and make one for you. lol....some how I think it will not happen.

Darlene~ Do you want me to send you my DVD? I will if you promise to send it back to me. I have friends that want to borrow it too.

Netter said...

OK, I spelt your name wrong once...but it was a typo...as you can see by the correct spelling later in the comment.

Darlene said...

nett: I'm unsure if my ADD will actually allow me to get a grip on a knitting DVD. lol As well, I have a question for you about tea-staining....Do you know anything about it?

Netter said...

I have stained muslin with tea before. What are you making?

Unknown said...

I went to something like this a long time ago with a friend of mine. I had my son with me and this one person told me that he would be a well loved person, smart and would be something like a doctor or get into science. So far they have been pretty correct except for the part of being well loved.... The little turd just gets on my nerves.... Just Kidding! LOL

Anonymous said...

Good heavens! Where do they come up with that stuff? I'm not sure if I could sit through a reading without busting up. Well, those psychics, they know your coming.

Darlene said...

nett: I found this cotton asian shower curtain on ebay, but it's white - I'm wanting a more taupe/beige-ish look. Can it be done?

brandy: Yeah, all kids are great when they're someone else's. LOL

sue: I know they're making quite a load of money - maybe I'm in the wrong profession. LOL

Desperate Housewife said...

Oooh, I love that stuff! I've been to see a lady who does tea leaves here in Moncton a few times. She's actually really good.

Netter said...

If it is mostly cotton, it should work, the more poly it has in it, the less likely it will keep the color. Just give it a try. If the tea stain is to light, try it again with coffee. Just try to keep the grounds out of it or it will be blotchie.

Schell said...

I went to that pshycic fair a couple of years ago. My first time. Pretty generic stuff. The woman actually taped my visit, so I should go back and listen to the tape again, just to see what was said. I'd like to get the tea leaves read or whatever, like DH said.

Darlene, you go on e-bay? E-bay is so addicting, how fun is it, the mail lady shows up with little packages occasionally. ooooooohhh, I love it.

Have a good day.

Librarian Girl said...

That sounds like so much fun! I would love to attend something like that some day!

Dan said...

I once saw an ad in a newspaper that said something like

"Psychic Fair cancelled due to unforeseen schedule conflicts."