20 October 2008

this one's for rue as well....

How adorable would netter's niece look in this? Enter the contest, and if you don't know a girl that would enjoy it, I know netter does!


Kare said...

Oh cool! Rue must.have.this.

Kare said...

(Hey, did you get your picture?)

Netter said...

OMG, thanks Darlene! You are the best.

What picture? Is it the photoshopped pic from a prior post? lol.

Kare said...


Netter said...

Seriously, I thought about doing that...DH gave me the idea and I'm easily instigated. However I don't have photoshop and it would take forever in Paint.

Darlene said...

No kare, I didn't get the picture - however, I'm thinking that this week I may take a jaunt over & grab it.

nett: There will be NO photoshopping that picture!!!!! AHAHAHAHAH
p.s. I hope I win, just to see the pics of Rue. :o)

Darlene said...

kare: They had better give me a better deal, though. $25 off isn't enough. Maybe I'll cry? God knows I can pretty much do that on command these days.

Desperate Housewife said...

Peter is amazing with photoshop! In ten minutes he could have you eating a great big ... er... well, pretty much anything.

That dress is amazing! I'd like to win it and make the Boy wear it around the house. Might as well give him something concrete to talk about with his future shrink when he's forty.

Anonymous said...

Rut roh! You ladies be good and NO FOOLING AROUND WITH PHOTOSHOP!

Darlene said...

dh: If Peter does happen to get his hands on that picture & photoshop, I don't want to see it. hahahah

sue: AMEN!

Kare said...

I want to see it. Talk to Peter, DH. Thanks.

Darlene said...